About Firewolf


Hello! My name is Kyle Brandon Leite; also known by the pen name of Firewolf. I am a writer, professional psychic, perfumer, and Witch. I am the author of Firewolf's Book of Spells, Firewolf's Black Mirror Magick, Simple Spells for a Happy Home, Firewolf's Practical Candle Magick, and Firewolf's Magickal Bathing Rituals.

I was born and raised in southeastern Massachusetts where the woods are written with secrets, the air is filled with a fragrance of mystery, and the ocean sings a lullaby of magick. Growing up in New England I have been heavily influenced by Traditional European Witchcraft, Native American Folklore, Stregoneria Siciliana and various Greek and Italian Folk Traditions. I am a devotee and humble servant to the Potnia Theron – under her many guises and through all that She embodies. I embrace the path of Hellenic Reconstructionism and the Old Way of the Wise.


I am a Witch, a practitioner of what some call - The Old Wisdom. I am a practitioner of Greco-Italian Witchcraft - known by the titles of a stregone or mago. 

My spiritual journey began when I was eight years old when I stumbled upon a bookstore and a book called Good Magick. Since then I have been a practitioner of the Old Wisdom for over two decades and have dedicated my life in preserving the benevolent ways of the Craft. I have served for three years as High Priest of The Coven of the Raven Mother in Middleboro, Massachusetts. After moving to San Diego I served as High Priest and Elder of The Circle of the Stag Huntress for five years.

I am a well-known clairvoyant and professional psychic. My career as a psychic began in my early teens in Southeastern Massachusetts offering psychic readings professionally in Middleboro, Boston, and the surrounding areas. In my earlier years I worked for numerous local police departments along the east coast of the United States providing my clairvoyant and divinatory services. I have been featured on radio, talk-shows, magazines and popular publications including: The Union Tribune, City Beat Magazine, Channel 8 News with Larry Himmel, The Espresso, The Miami Herald, and Candelo's Corner, to name a few.


I offer an array of psychic services to include Tarot, Sibilla, Scrying, Witch Stones as well as spiritual and magickal prescriptions. My goal as a clairvoyant, psychic and advisor is to deliver clear truth, precise insight, and to liberate each individual so that they can attain happiness and success during their life’s journey.


From as far back as I can remember, I have always had an innate connection with the botanical kingdom as well. Some could say I am a bit of a Green Witch or Root-Worker. Having been a practicing herbalist for over twenty years, my studies have included: herbal medicine, perfumery, aromatherapy, herbal folklore, mythology, and spiritual application.

My passion for the natural world not only has inspired my perfume craft, but is also reflected in all of the products I create.  As an artisan perfumer, I use only 100% all-natural and organic ingredients in botanical and spiritually inspired blends. I feel that by keeping magick natural and unadulterated, we preserve the ancient secrets our ancestors so deeply cherished and passed on.

Firewolf, Kyle Brandon Leite Miami Hearld, 2013

Not only am I a devotee of the ancient Witches Craft, I am also a teacher. I offer lectures and workshops on topics: The Witches’ Craft of the Southeastern Mediterranean Religions, The Science of the Witches’ Craft, Natural Perfumery, Herbalism, Herbal Folklore, Tarot and Divination, Love Magick From Around the World, and Greco-Italian Folk Magic.


I recently relocated to Fort Pierce Area to pursue some interesting endeavors and to research the local botanical life and folklore. For information on how to book me for events, workshops, festivals, psychic affairs, and speaking engagements, feel free to send us an email through our Contact Page.

For information on how to schedule a Psychic Consultation, be sure to check out our Psychic Readings Page or call us at 619-757-0795.

You can also find me on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Twitter, or check out my Blog!


Firewolf's Books and eBook Available @

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